we just love motorcycles.

Building a motorcycle is art. It’s an amazing experience… and riding a motorcycle is even better.

Riding a motorcycle is exhilarating. It’s freedom. Stress relief. An adrenaline release. Just plain fun. Until back pain hits you like a sledge hammer after a ride.

If you’ve ever been on a motorcycle and hit a hard bump, your back will remind you of the importance of rear suspension. But when you add a bulky suspension onto the frame of a bike you lose that simple, streamlined look that riders love. So you have a choice –  do you want comfort or a cleaner looking bike? We said that choice is nonsense and created one frame to offer both. We're excited to introduce the first fully integrated rear wheel suspension system: The Type 57x®.


keep the lines of a rigid. lose the ride of a rigid.

Rigids are awesome. They look nice and clean, and are great for custom builds in the aftermarket. But without suspensions, they’re not comfortable. Swingarm and Softail motorcycles are much more mainstream and definitely more comfortable, but they’re not as attractive to some people.

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice comfort or design when choosing a motorcycle frame. Type 57x® frame integrates the rear shock absorbers directly into the frame itself, so you can achieve the clean lines of a classic rigid style frame and still get the advantage of a rear suspension.

Debuted in 2017 at Michael Lichter's "Old Iron, Young Blood" Motorcycles as Art exhibit in Sturgis, SD, The Type 57x® was the first fully functional prototype of our patented integrated rear suspension system.


Whether you prefer a rigid or a swing arm, Fabbro’s Type 57x® keeps all your favorite features while providing even more advantages over the frames on the market today.

More free space. Like, half a cubic-foot of free space without changing a single dimension of the frame. The typical area on a Softail ™ frame that is utilized by the pivot axle and suspension is now usable space by converting to an integrated frame design. Eliminate the bulk and expand the possibilities, particularly for hybrid and electric technologies.

Lower fender mounting. The Type 57x® utilizes a "push-pull" style suspension, which results in less tire swing, and therefore the rear fender can be mounted lower to the rear tire. Aesthetically, this allows for a cleaner line and no need for a large air gap between rear tire and rear fender.

Removable shock absorbers. All four shock absorbers are threaded into steel receiver lugs in the frame and can be removed, serviced, and replaced as needed. ​

Clean, classic lines. With the suspension integrated into the frame itself, you get those clean, streamlined lines of a rigid frame we all love. ​

compare the frames.










our plan to get the motorcycle frame to you

step 1: prototype and test

We have built one prototype motorcycle on the Type 57x frame that was have tested in house. Our next step is to fine tune the design, create two additional prototypes - a Harley Sporster and Indian Scout - and get engineer sign off and get some people to go for a ride. We need people who are willing to take this machine on the road to give us feedback on the ride so we can make it perfect before it hits the market.

step 2: sell the frame in the aftermarket

We want to get this frame in the hands of builders and riders in the motorcycle aftermarket by setting up a pilot program and then selling the frame through a manufacturer dealer network.

step 3: our ultimate goal - license the frame to a large oem

what inspired the type 57x®?

It all began with passion and an idea. Hear from Creator and CEO Terence “T” Musto.


who is terence musto?

He’s just a regular guy with a passion for creating things with his hands, particularly motorcycles. He goes by “T” and has been a professional motorcycle builder since 2009. His passion for motorcycles started at an early age when he built his first chopper in his parents’ garage on weekends while at Babson College studying finance. After graduating from college, he did what any good entrepreneur would do - he turned down a solid job offer in finance to pursue his passion. He began an apprenticeship with a master builder to learn both the craft of handmaking a motorcycle, and the ins and outs of the industry. He started Fabbro Industries and created the Type 57x integrated motorcycle frame and his main goal is to get this bike in the hands of riders and on the road. He’s a certified TIG & MIG welder and loves to talk to anybody about shared passions, motorcycles, and this product. If you’re interested in more information about how the Type 57x works and plans to bring it to market, just get in touch with him.

Get in touch and stay up to date on our progress.

If you’re interested in our progress on the development of the Type 57x frame for motorcycles and when the frame is available to buy, drop us your email and we’ll let you know when we have updates. You can always email tmusto@fabbroindustries.com and also be sure to follow us on social.





We’re located near Albany in the Capital Region of New York: